Board of Directors
Board of Directors
The LCRPC is governed by a board representing member municipalities and the County. The full Board and the Executive Committee meet alternating months, and as needed. For a copy of the by-laws, click here.
- Chair: Michael Tomko. Boothbay Harbor
- Vice-Chair: Marianne Pinkham, Nobleboro
- Treasurer: George Parker, Newcastle
- Secretary: Walter Voskian, Bremen
- District 1 representative: Dennis Simmons, Wiscasset
- District 2 representative: Max Johnstone, Waldoboro
- District 3 representative: Mal Carey, Newcastle
- County member: Mary Trescott
- Alna: Ed Pentalieri and Gordon Davis
- Boothbay:
- Boothbay Harbor: Michael Tomko and Julia Later
- Bremen: Walter Voskian
- Bristol: Christopher Hall and Pat Jennings
- Damariscotta: Dick McLean and Lou Abbotoni, Andrew Dorr (alternate)
- Dresden: tbd
- Edgecomb: Mike Smith
- Jefferson:
- Newcastle: Mal Carey and George Parker
- Nobleboro: Marianne Pinkham and Dick Spear
- Somerville: Frank Hample and Jim Grenier
- Southport: Nancy Prisk
- Waldoboro: Max Johnstone, Jen Merritt and Julie Keizer
- Westport Island: Jeff Tarbox and Joanna Jacobs
- Wiscasset: Dennis Simmons
- Whitefield: Bill McKeen
- Lincoln County: