For Businesses
The IRS wants you to have the information you need when you need it! Information relating to a variety of topics is available all year long, with guidance, hot topics and updates for you and your customers.
The IRS Stakeholder office in Augusta is a fantastic source of information for small businesses. Contact SHAWN SAVAGE, Senior Stakeholder Liaison, Internal Revenue Service in Augusta for more tips and background on IRS business resources: 304.579.6873 or Shawn.S.Savage@irs.gov. Be sure to get on their mailing list.
Check out this IRS webpage for Tax Reform Resources
News Release: Also go to Tax Reform News page.
Tax Reform Tax Tip. The Tax Tip in English and Spanish is attached to this message and will be posted on the Tax Reform Resources page.
Sign up for SBA's e-newsletter connecting you to lots of resources! news@updates.sba.gov
Coastal Counties Workforce, Inc. (CCWI), is a non-profit 501(c)(3) entity founded to administer and oversee the delivery of the workforce system’s services for Local Area 4 in Maine. CCWI is the entity (mechanism) working on behalf of the Region’s Local Board and CEO to ensure their responsibilities under federal workforce development law and federal funding are met. CCWI’s jurisdiction includes Maine’s six coastal counties (York, Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Waldo and Knox). CCWI’s region is geographically large and diverse. Our Local Area is also the most populous, with approximately half of Maine’s residents and business community located within our borders.
CCWI undertakes the administration of all required workforce development responsibilities for our regional programs such as service delivery, reporting, monitoring and both the execution and administration of contracts with our funders and service providers. Importantly, CCWI also develops and directs our Local Area’s workforce development policies and regional strategies. Through our role as regional convener and our partnerships with other local, state and federal agencies, education, and economic development organizations, CCWI strives to provide access to jobs, skill development and business services vital to the social and economic well-being of our communities.
14 Maine Street, Box 2
Brunswick, ME 04011
A new job, a new career, a new business, a new understanding of financial matters. New Ventures Maine helps people all over the state venture in new directions by offering tuition-free programs for career, business, and financial education. We have guided individuals through life changes every day for 40 years.
Our mission: helping Maine people succeed in the changing economy and achieve economic security for themselves and their families.
Classes and workshops at no charge open to all Maine adults, with in-person and on-line options; one-on-one coaching. We offer programs that encourage and empower those thinking about making a change to take the next step towards financial security, a new career, a new business.
As advocates, we partner with other state-wide organizations to tackle issues central to the economic security of Maine’s people.
Founded in 1978 as the Displaced Homemakers program through state legislation, we operated as Women, Work, and Community for many years until 2015 when we became New Ventures Maine. We are administered by and operate under the educational tax-exempt status of the University of Maine at Augusta/University of Maine System. An Advisory Council appointed by the Governor provides strategic guidance and support.
Funding sources include the University of Maine System, federal and state contracts and grants, grants from private foundations, individual and corporate donations, and fee for service.
- Mail to: NVME/UMA
46 University Drive
Augusta, ME 04330-9410
- Physical Address:
5th Floor of UMA’s Handley Hall
331 Water Street
Augusta, ME 04330-9410
- Reception Desk: 207.621.3440
Toll-Free in Maine: 800.442.2092
Fax: 207.621.3429
If you’re developing a business concept, we can put you in touch with business counselors who can guide you in preparing a business plan, and can contact University and other research resources for market and related technical information.
LCRPC will also review lending and gap financing opportunities, Pine Tree Zone, and tax increment financing, along with workforce training, energy efficiency and other programs that fit your business objectives and needs.
If you’re looking to expand or locate in Lincoln County, contact your town office for the latest information on zoning, land uses, and all review processes.
LCRPC wants to grow the County's economy by supporting exisiting and future entrepreneurs, innovators, and hard-working employees. The County has long had strong traditions of fine craftsmanship and quality across many sectors – shipbuilding, machining, fisheries, health care, farming, arts, and education. Call or email us to learn how LCRPC can provide you with personalized attention, to help identify resources and connections.
The U. S. Small Business Administration Table of Small Business Size matched to the NAICS Code is HERE.