Lincoln County Stream Barriers
The purpose of Lincoln County Stream Barriers is to improve access to and the quality of habitat for Atlantic salmon, alewives, sea run rainbow smelt and native brook trout throughout Lincoln County. This map viewer presents information on the location and condition of state and local road culverts that may be adversely affecting access to spawning, rearing habitat and growing habitat for these four important fish species. It is hoped that by making communities aware of these culverts, over time they can be improved, upgraded or replaced as necessary to expand the populations of these species throughout the county.
The Stream Barriers map is available at https://webapps2.cgis-solutions.com/MaineStreamViewer/
Contact Lincoln County Planner Bob Faunce with questions or comments about the Lincoln County Stream Barrier Tool. Thank You.
Lincoln County Stream Barriers is based on data provided on the Maine Stream Habitat Viewer, a product of the Maine Stream Connectivity Work Group and the Maine Office of GIS, and is made available to Lincoln County municipalities, residents, and the general public by the Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission. The project was funded jointly by the Lincoln County Commission and a grant from the Maine Coastal Program under award NOAA CZM NA11NOS4190066 and NA11NOS4190188 to the Maine Coastal Program from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Department of Commerce.” Additional information on the Maine Stream Smart Program can be found at streamsmartmaine.org.