List of Lincoln County Food Pantries
UPDATE! Given changes to food pantry hours because of COVID19, a new list of food pantry hours and contacts is LINKED HERE. This is list is being updated.
December 2019
The Alna Food Pantry, in basement of the Alna Town Office, 1574 Alna Road, is open Tuesday and Friday, 8 a.m. to noon, Wednesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Thursday, 2-6 p.m. One visit for pantry items per week maximum. Area residents welcome. For more information, call 586-5313.
Alna and Whitefield
The St. Denis Food Pantry in the St. Denis Parish Hall on Grand Army Road in Whitefield is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. the first Friday and 10 a.m. to noon the third Saturday of the month. The pantry serves Whitefield and Alna and welcomes volunteers. For more information, call 582-2684 or 549-3672.
Boothbay Region
The Boothbay Region Pantry at the First Congregational Church, 1 Eastern Ave., Boothbay Harbor, is open from noon to 2 p.m. Fridays. The food pantry serves Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, and Edgecomb residents. For more information, call 633-4952.
Bristol and South Bristol
A pantry is open from 9-10 a.m. Saturdays at the United Methodist Church, South Side Road, New Harbor. The pantry serves all of Bristol and South Bristol. For more information, call 677-3055 or 677-3424.
The churches of the Pemaquid Peninsula Cooperative Ministry accept donations of food, for the pantry at worship. The pantry accepts food donations from 8-9 a.m. Saturdays and monetary donations by mail: P.O. Box 100, New Harbor, 04554.
Caring for Kids, a 501(c)(3) serving the children of Bristol and South Bristol, is happy to announce that its public food pantry is open and ready for visitors! The pantry is located between the Bristol Mills fire station and the Masonic Hall, in a well-lighted area. The pantry’s motto is “Take what you need, leave what you can.” It is hopeful that this will be a positive addition to the community. One should feel free to stop by and take a look. While there, one should feel free to take a few items or even donate some items. The pantry is open 24/7!
Damariscotta, Newcastle, and Nobleboro
The Ecumenical Food Pantry at The Second Congregational Church in Newcastle is open from 9:30-11 a.m. every Tuesday, now closed Wednesdays. Families from Damariscotta, Newcastle, Nobleboro and the larger community are welcome are welcome. Free diapers are available at the Ecumenical Diaper Bank distribution table.
Representatives of the Ecumenical Committee on Homelessness Prevention and Tedford House are available during pantry hours to discuss housing needs. An educator from FARMS at the Y gives out food samples and recipes.
For more information, go to newcastlefoodpantry.org or call Ellen Dickens at 563-1311 or 380-0300 or Linda Sandefur at 529-6965.
Jefferson and Somerville
The Jefferson Area Community Food Pantry is open from 4-5:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays. There was only one opening in December (Dec. 11). The Jefferson Food Pantry is located at the St. Giles Episcopal Church, 72 Gardiner Road, Jefferson, for folks from Jefferson and Somerville in need of food.
The director is Allison Brooks. To donate, send a check with “JACFP” in the memo line to St. Giles church, P.O. Box 34, Jefferson, ME 04348. For more information, call 315-1134.
Somerville Town Office Food Box
The town of Somerville has created a pick up site for non-perishable food items. This site is open 24 hours a day for anyone to take items from the box as they need. To drop off items, people can leave items in the box, or drop off at the town office during office hours Monday and Wednesday.
207-549-3828. Located at 72 Sand Hill Road, Somerville, ME 04348
The Waldoboro Food Pantry, in the former Taction building at 251 Jefferson St., is open from 12:30-4:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Those who use the pantry should park in the large lot between the Grange hall and the back of 251 Jefferson St. and use the back entrance. For more information, call 785-4782.
Westport Island Helping Hands
Helping Hands operates the Westport Island Cottage Pantry, providing a variety of assistance to local residents in need. Please call Michael Cromwell (380-5885) or Linda Davis (882-5464) to learn more and to find out about income eligibility.
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Wiscasset runs the Help Yourself Shelf food pantry to serve area residents in need of food and other items. The pantry is open at the church, 12 Hodge St., Wiscasset, at 5 p.m. every Thursday.
To donate non-perishable goods, paper products, diapers, other items, or cash (to purchase grocery items through Good Shepherd Food Bank), call the church at 882-7184. Families in need should come for food on any Thursday or, in emergencies, call the church at 882-7184.
The Wiscasset Church of the Nazarene Food bank is open from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Wednesdays and 12:30-1:30 p.m. every Sunday. For information about obtaining food boxes before distribution days, call 882-9088.