MaineDOT has released their transportation work plan for years 2018, 2019, and 2020. To see the workplan for the entire state click here: MDOT WORK PLAN. Here's a LINK to their interactive work plan where you can search by town.
To see a more detailed view of projects for towns in Lincoln County please click here: MDOT LINCOLN COUNTY PROJECTS.
MDOT Traffic Data and Programs - MDOT provides a wide variety of transportation related data on its website. These include:
Corridor Management Plans - The LCRPC has begun a Corridor Management Plan for Routes 129 and 130 in Damariscotta, Bristol, and South Bristol. The data collection and analysis, public meetings, and developing recommendations will take place from December 2017 to spring 2018.
Three highways in Lincoln County are classified by MDOT as “Corridors of Regional Economic Significance” (CRES). They are Route1, Route 27 and route 32 between Routes 1 and 17. The Midcoast Route 32 Corridor Management Plan was completed in 2010 and the Route 27 Corridor Management Plan was completed in 2011, and the Route 1 Corridor Management Plan in 2014.