2022 Community Development Block Grant
2022 Community Development Block Grants
Check out the full 2022 Program Statement to learn the details for the several different grant programs and the application process for each HERE. The Office of Community Development, within the Department of Economic and Community Development, oversees this competitive allocation of HUD funds for Downtown Revitalization, Public Service, Economic Development Assistance, Microenterprise Assistance, and Housing Assistance.
See Deadlines and Program Allocations only, go HERE.
The Maine CDBG Program is a catalyst for local governments to implement programs which meet one of the three National Objectives
- Benefit to low and moderate income persons
- Prevention and/or elimination of slum and blight conditions; and
- Meeting community development needs having a particular urgency.
- Are part of a long-range community strategy;
- Improve deteriorated residential and business districts and local economic conditions;
- Provide the conditions and incentives for further public and private investments;
- Foster partnerships between groups of municipalities, state and federal entities, multi-jurisdictional organizations, and the private sector to address common community and economic development problems; and
- Minimize development sprawl consistent with the State ofMaine Growth Management Actand support the revitalization of downtown area.
The CDBG funds go through municipalities with an application process with public hearings, town meetings, etc. For more info and assistance, give the LCRPC office a call at 882-5983.