Damariscotta Waterfront Planning
Damariscotta Sea Level Rise Adaption Planning Study: Downtown Waterfront Area
The Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission and Maine Geological Survey in 2012 undertook a study of 450 miles of coastline in Maine's mid-coast region, including Damariscotta, to evaluate the effect of various sea level rise scenarios. The results of the study suggested that Main Street in Damariscotta and the town's municipal parking lot may be inundated under future conditions. As the primary commercial area of the town, the routine inundation of Main Street could have devastating effects on quality of life and may reduce the town's tax base.
The town of Damariscotta, through its Waterfront Planning Committee, secured a grant from the Maine Coastal Program and subsequently contracted with Milone & MacBroom, Inc. to study the effects of sea level rise and develop options for protecting the town. The study was intended to answer the following question: Are there adaptation techniques that can be implemented to make downtown buildings and public infrastructure more resilient in the face of existing flooding hazards and potential future hazards created by rising sea levels?
The goals of this study were:
1. To determine the location and elevation of structures that are vulnerable to coastal flooding. This included surveying the elevation of windows, doors, and other openings in existing buildings that may allow for intrusion of floodwaters.
2. To establish a sea level rise scenario and elevation for the town's use in planning improvements.
3. To identify opportunities and recommend improvements for protecting structures as well as the town's parking lot from flooding.
To view the final report, click here.