Downtown Boothbay Harbor Adaptation Options for Increased Storm Surge Resiliency
The LCRPC and Maine Geological Survey (MGS) in 2012 undertook a study of 450 miles of Maine’s mid-coast region, including the Town of Boothbay Harbor, to evaluate the effect of various sea level rise scenarios. Additionally, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for the region in 2015. The results of the LCRPC study and the new FEMA maps suggest that much of Boothbay Harbor’s commercial waterfront is at risk from inundation under current and future conditions. Significant damage to, or loss of, shoreline commercial properties could have devastating effects on the Town’s economy and quality of life, as well as the local community’s cultural identity and sense of place.
The goal of the study was to incorporate 2015 FEMA maps and 2012 LCRPC sea level rise scenarios into Boothbay Harbor's resilience planning. Additionally, the study sought to characterize the vulnerabilities and risks to coastal flooding of participating properties. With risks and vulnerabilities identified, the study provided recommendations for waterfront property resilience. The study included building-specific technical information and adaptation strategies to property owners. Finally, the study sought to comment on the applicability of flood insurance under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the potential for premium reductions.
For more information and to read the document in its entirety please click the link below