Economic and Community Development
March 2020: This page will link to state and federal information about programs and initiatives during the COVID-19 response.
We expect to post frequently, so please come back for new info. Specific questions, please email Mary Ellen Barnes, mbarnes@lcrpc.org.
Maine Dept of Labor Announces Flexibility in Unemployment Program
Maine DOL Frequently Asked Questions for Employees and Businesses
Business financing, community facilities, affordable housing, workforce training, working waterfronts – these are all complementary resources necessary for sustainable job growth and community development in Lincoln County.
Working with local officials, town residents, funding agencies, and many other partners, LCRPC staff provides support to your economic and community goals by helping to take a project from concept to implementation, by bringing in key resources, with grant preparation and administration, and with coordination and advocacy with state and federal officials.
Major partners include the Midcoast Economic Development District, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, the State Community Development Block Grant program, and the federal Economic Development Administration.