Standards and Regulations
Performance Standards for Large Scale Development In order to assist communities in addressing the issues associated with large scale development in small mid-coast towns, LCRPC staff, in cooperation with MDOT, the State Planning Office and Gateway 1, published this manual. To date, Damariscotta, Edgecomb, Nobleboro and Newcastle have adopted the standards.
Protecting Local Scenic Resources: Community-Based Performance Standards LCRPC staff was asked by the State Planning Office to prepare a publication explaining the process for creating and adopting performance standards to protect local visual resources.
Wiscasset Land Use Code LCRPC staff with the support of MDOT and Lincoln County is assisting Wiscasset in updating its development ordinances as part of the implementation of its new comprehensive plan.
Open Space Subdivisions LCRPC staff has made numerous presentations (link) in Lincoln County communities on the advantages of open space subdivisions. To date, Waldoboro and Edgecomb have adopted regulations governing open space subdivisions and Wiscasset is currently evaluating such regulations.