Community Development
LCRPC provides communities with access to the right tools to successfully attract and grow local businesses, develop well-planned neighborhoods, invigorate downtowns, provide affordable housing, safe roads and sidewalks, working waterfronts, and broadband – to strengthen the local economy and attractive communities in sustainable ways.
Our staff works with town managers, boards of selectmen, planning boards, economic development committees, chambers of commerce, and others to identify needs and practical solutions, both short and long-term, to major community goals and regional issues.
The LCPRC is the designated regional council and technical assistance provider for the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). LCRPC can let you know about CDBG priorities and deadlines, and can assist in grant preparation and administration. This important HUD-funded, state-administered grant program is highly competitive and matching funds are usually required. We’re glad to meet with you to see if your community needs can be funded by this program.
For public infrastructure and facilities – especially water and sewage treatment– other key funding sources are US Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development and Maine Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. These grants, direct loans, or guaranteed loans can help your community extend or improve public services to homes and businesses.
Lincoln County communities have grown up around water, in historic villages, along roads and around rail depots. Check out this amazing video about Waldoboro, one tool this town developed to promote the natural assets and quality of life in the town. Sustaining your community for future generations means knowing your key resources and addressing priorities. Give us a call to talk about community needs and ideas, and we’ll work with you to help assess needs, develop different solutions, and identify funding sources.