New Ventures Maine
New Ventures Maine | |
Phone | 207-386-1664 |
Fax | |
Javascript Required | |
Web | http://newventuresmaine.org |
Street Address | 12 Sewall Street |
Mailing Address | Orion Hall -- UCBB Brunswick, ME 04011 |
Owner | Erica Quin-Easter |
Since 1978, New Ventures Maine (formerly Women, Work, and Community) has been helping people gain the skills they need to make successful transitions and succeed in the Maine economy. Our mission is helping Maine people succeed in their jobs, businesses, and communities. We help individuals recognize strengths, overcome barriers, find resources, develop a plan, and take action towards their goals: starting a business, finding a career, returning to school, building assets, being active in the community. New Ventures Maine offers classes and workshops at no charge, in-person and online options, and one-on-one coaching to individuals in four areas: - Build Your Career - Start or Grow Your Small Business - Manage Your Money - Become a Leader Our services are free and open to adults of any age or background.
New Ventures Maine offices in the Midcoast Region are located at:
UCBB Orion Hall, Room 111 12 Sewall Street Brunswick, Maine 04011207.386.1664
URock 91 Camden Street #402 Rockland, Maine 04841 207.593.7942
Statewide 800.442.2902 newventuresmaine.org
Midcoast staff members include:
Erica Quin-Easter, Regional Manager/Workforce Specialist, Brunswick, erica.quineaster@maine.edu
Jenn Dobransky, Microenterprise Specialist,jenn.dobransky@maine.edu
Melinda Wildes, Workforce Specialist (Rockland), melinda.wildes@maine.edu