Community Resilience Partnership
Community Resilience Partnership
Grants, access to funding, technical assistance, training, and more
The Community Resilience Partnership is a program from the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future (GOPIF). The Partnership provides grant funding and direct support to municipal and tribal governments for climate mitigation and adaptation projects to help reduce emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change.
How Does the Community Resilience Partnership Work?
To receive access to funding and support, communities must first enroll in the Partnership. All municipalities and federally recognized tribes in Maine are eligible to join.
Enrolling in the program involves:
- - Completing a pair of community self-assessments
- - Holding a workshop to discover your community’s climate resilience and clean energy priority actions
- - Adopting a municipal resolution committing to these priority actions
Once a community is enrolled in the Partnership, they can apply for Community Action Grants for a wide variety of projects that reduce energy use and make them more resilient to climate change effects.
Communities who need help enrolling may choose to work with a "service provider". Service providers are organizations or businesses who apply for a Service Provider Grant to help 2-5 communities enroll in the Partnership and apply for Community Action Grants.
Learn More
The Community Resilience Partnership is supported by Regional Coordinators who assist communities located in their designated Region. Region 1 communities are those in York, Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Lincoln, and Knox counties and also include nine municipalities in southern Oxford county.
Download the Region 1 Community Resilience Partnership Fact Sheet
Community Resilience Partnership Website
York and Southern Oxford County communities contact:
Melanie Nash, Sustainability and Resilience Planner
Karina Graeter, Sustainability Division Director
Abbie Sherwin, Resilience Division Director
at Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission (SMPDC)
Cumberland County communities contact:
Gretchen Anderson, Sustainability Program Coordinator
Sara Mills-Knapp, Director of Sustainability
at Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG)
Lincoln County communities contact:
Laura Graziano, Community Resilience Planner
Curtis Brown, Land Use and Transportation Planner
at Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission (LCRPC)
Sagadahoc, Knox, and Southern Waldo County communities contact:
Meg Rasmussen, Sustainability Program Director
at Midcoast Council of Governments (MCOG)
For general inquiries about support offered through the Community Resilience Partnership (CRP) Southern & Midcoast Regional Coordinator Collaborative (SMRCC) contact Gabe McPhail.
Other Regional Coordinators for Maine
Already enrolled or interested in enrolling? Go here!